February 3, 2021

Open Source Journalism with Open Measures Tools

Open Measures’ tools aid help open source journalism tell the full story on disinformation with data visualizations.

Open Measures is built, in part, to help journalists use our open source data and visualizations to tell their stories. We try to release as much content in the simplest packages as possible.

Let us help you tell your story with data! Get started with our FREE INTERACTIVE API or SOCIAL MEDIA TRENDS VISUALIZATION TOOL.

usa today open measures graph
Graphic from USA Today and Open Measures.

Open Measures works directly with journalists and media rooms. This can be seen in the following references to us (we look forward to also launching a press room OSINT training featuring guidance for Open Measures APIs):

If you need more data or more advanced interfaces for analysis please reach out to us at [email protected].

Identify disinformation and extremism with the Open Measures platform.

Organizations use Open Measures’ tooling every day to track trends related to networks of influence, coordinated harassment campaigns, and state-backed info ops. Click here to book a demo.