June 19, 2024

Election Audit Groups Spread Misinformation on Telegram

Since the 2020 US election, alleged election fraud issues has been the interest of conservative election audit groups.



In the aftermath of the 2020 US election, many “big lie” conspiracy theories about the election’s integrity emerged. These conspiracy theories—championed by Donald Trump and other right-wing personalities such as Ted Cruz and Tucker Carlson—have gained traction with large segments of the American public.

Since then, election integrity has remained a topic of interest among conservative voters, particularly on Telegram, an app facilitating both private messaging and larger, channel-based messaging. Public channels on Telegram range from just a handful of members to hundreds of thousands. Channels are often used to exchange news, opinions, advice, and more.

Researchers at Open Measures identified a number of dedicated Telegram channels discussing how to protect the vote. These channels often perpetuate discredited theories surrounding fraud in the 2020 presidential election. One such channel has been revealed to be run by an elected official in Fulton County, Georgia.1

Many of these Telegram channels focus their efforts locally in various states around the country, while also considering national politics. Topics of interest in these channels include concerns about undocumented immigrants voting in elections, mail-in voting, and continued discredited worries about Dominion voting machines.

Donald Trump’s ongoing court cases are also a popular topic of discussion, with users mentioning key figures such as Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. Certain non-election-related topics often appear in these chats as well, including anti-vax sentiments, pro-life conversations, and disdain for LGBTQ+ communities.



Open Measures monitors dozens of Telegram channels dedicated to election integrity. Many of these groups use the term “audit” in their branding, with names such as “MNAuditChat” and “AudittheVoteKansasChat.” For this reason, Open Measures researchers used the following query to monitor groups of interest within our Telegram dataset: 

(channeltitle:*audit* OR channelusername:*audit*) 

The channelusername field is the username for a channel, and the channeltitle field is the colloquial “title” of a channel. To understand the relationship between these terms, channelusername and channeltitle, are analogous to a formal Twitter “handle” and the “name” of a profile, which is often the same as the individual or organization behind the handle.

On Twitter, for example, @Open_Measures is the username and “Open Measures” is the profile title. On Telegram, a similar example would be “AudittheVoteKansasChat” as the channelusername and “Audit the Vote – Kansas Chat” as the channeltitle)


Open Measures researchers traced this type of Telegram activity to as early as May 2021. However, for this analysis, Open Measures looked at the 10 most active Telegram channels dedicated to election integrity since the start of 2024. To visualize this, researchers created a chart showing message volume.

Results for the aforementioned query across Open Measures’ Telegram collections. Results show message volume since the start of 2024. 
The aforementioned query across Open Measures’ Telegram collections. Results show the top 10 most popular authors within these Telegram channels since the start of 2024. Notably, the 5th most popular author has a name representing a far-right anti-government US militia.

The top Telegram channels for this period, with the most-active channels listed first, are (full list in the appendix):

Channel Username

Channel Title

Subscriber Count

Approximate Message Count Since Start of 2024

Associated State
AuditWI Wisconsin Election Integrity 2,107 ~5,100 Wisconsin
MNAuditChat Minnesota First Audit Chat 923 ~4,000 Minnesota
AudittheVoteKansasChat Audit the Vote – Kansas Chat 127 ~3,000 Kansas
RIAuditChat Rhode Island Audit Chat 403 ~1,900 Rhode Island
NewMexicoAuditForce New Mexico Audit Force 1,260 ~1,900 New Mexico
thepeoplesaudit The People’s Audit 1,981 ~1,900 x
AmericasAuditForce America’s Audit Force 1,380 ~1,700 x
AuditKentucky Audit Kentucky 264 ~1,400 Kentucky
GAelectionaudit Georgia Election Audit Updates 1,878 ~1,300 Georgia
AuditTheVoteKansas Audit the Vote – Kansas 93 ~1,300 Kansas
auditva Virginia Patriots Unite 124 ~1,400 Virginia

It is notable that audit groups dedicated to several swing states (Georgia, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Virginia) make this list. Further, many of these channels share content from one another or from the same content creators and information outlets.

Network Analysis

Connections such as those described above—overlapping media and information spheres across Telegram groups—can be explored further using Open Measures’ Network Graph

Open Measures’ researchers began their analysis of these connections by taking the top channels (as measured by message volume) identified above and adding them to the Network Graph as independent nodes.

Channels of Interest

The Telegram channels of interest were: Wisconsin Election Integrity, Minnesota First Audit Chat, Audit the Vote – Kansas Chat, New Mexico Audit Force, and The People’s Audit. Rhode Island Audit Chat was excluded from this analysis due to anomalous activity levels over the past few months. 

From there, we used the Network Graph’s built-in capabilities to show us the top five hashtags, URLs, and Telegram channels mentioned within each of our five selected Telegram channels. As nodes were added, relationships between the groups became more apparent. The final graph, included below, shows connections between all five Telegram channels.

Visualization built using the Open Measures Network Graph. Researchers started with five of the most active audit-related Telegram channels, then built out from there. Light blue nodes are hashtags, darker blue nodes are Telegram channels, and orange nodes are URLs.

For readability, Open Measures researchers cleaned up the graph to leave only nodes with two or more connections.

A cleaned up version of the prior graph, leaving only nodes with more than one connection. Light blue nodes are hashtags, darker blue nodes are Telegram channels, and orange nodes are URLs.

Node Connections

Some of the overlapping connections observed between nodes were as follows: 

Open Measures researchers found that the audit channels had a robust message forwarding ecosystem, with the main content producers being the more generic channels like “AmericasAuditForce”, “AmericafirstAudits”, “thepeoplesaudit” and “ElectionFraud20_org”. The above graph shows channel nodes with edges representing message forwards across the channels.
A popular hashtag appearing in these channels is “auditall50states”. The most common hashtag to appear along side it is a QAnon saying “wwg1wga”.

Lastly, by using network graph analysis, Open Measures researchers observed that the types of content produced by these channels varied. It spanned from “QAnon” content to posts directing users off-platform to sites associated with the vote audit campaign. Future work would require doing registrar analysis of the URLs/domains posted in these channels.


Election “audit” groups on Telegram often share similar content and concerns about elections. Open Measures will continue to monitor election-related chatter within alt-tech communities in the run-up to the 2024 presidential election in the US. If you have suggestions for Telegram channels you would like to see added to Open Measures’ collections, take a look at our crawl request feature or reach out to our team directly.

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Story table query: 

channelusername (“AuditWI” OR “MNAuditChat” OR “AudittheVoteKansasChat” OR “RIAuditChat” OR “NewMexicoAuditForce” OR “thepeoplesaudit” OR “AmericasAuditForce” OR “AuditKentucky” OR “GAelectionaudit” OR “AuditTheVoteKansas” OR “auditva”)

Full table query:

channelusername: ("AuditWI" OR "MNAuditChat" OR "AudittheVoteKansasChat" OR "RIAuditChat" OR "NewMexicoAuditForce" OR "thepeoplesaudit" OR "AmericasAuditForce" OR "AuditKentucky" OR "GAelectionaudit" OR "AuditTheVoteKansas" OR "auditva" OR "ElectionEducation" OR "auditoregon" OR "NVAuditWatch" OR "wiauditwatch" OR "WVAuditNews" OR "AmericaFirstAudits" OR "AuditTheVoteVirginia" OR "ArizonaAuditLiveFeeds" OR "americasaudit" OR "ElectionFraud20_org" OR "ILAuditNews" OR "auditva1" OR "VermontAudit" OR "auditthevotene" OR "auditthevotepa" OR "ArizonaAuditForce" OR "ElectionEvidence2024" OR "wvauditchat" OR "OHAudit" OR "TXAuditNews" OR "azauditwatch" OR "RIAuditNews" OR "TransparentElections_NC" OR "waauditchat" OR "AuditMI" OR "VermontAuditChat" OR "WYaudit307" OR "electionwiz" OR "illinoisfirstaudit" OR "TransparentElectionsNC_org" OR "nyauditchats" OR "ElectionHQ2024" OR "AuditNY" OR "WestVirginiaAuditForce" OR "auditalabama" OR "ArizonaAudit" OR "inauditchat" OR "tennesseeaudit" OR "presidentialelection2020" OR "MassachusettsElectionIntegrity" OR "orauditwatch" OR "UTAuditWatch" OR "TNAuditNews" OR "auditoregonchat" OR "PennsylvaniaAudit" OR "missouriauditforce" OR "AuditWINews" OR "VAAuditNews" OR "electionevidence" OR "UTAuditChat" OR "ElectionIntegrityMAChan" OR "CAAuditWatch" OR "gaelectionauditchat" OR "laauditnews" OR "deauditchat" OR "WisconsinAudit" OR "americanaudits" OR "MontanaAuditForce" OR "AuditNevada" OR "georgiaaudit" OR "oklahomaamericasauditchat" OR "arauditnews" OR "PAAuditWatch" OR "auditwatch" OR "outagamiecountyforensicaudit" OR "NewHampshireAudit" OR "MichiganAudit" OR "miauditchat" OR "newenglandelectionsecurity" OR "TXAuditWatch" OR "electionintegrityma" OR "MO_Grassroots_Audit" OR "utahelectionintegrity" OR "auditwa" OR "VirginiaAudit" OR "okauditnews" OR "maineelectionauditaction" OR "ElectionIntegrityIdaho" OR "illinois_election_integrity" OR "RIFairElectionsandEducation" OR "AuditNJ" OR "WYFAuditChat" OR "ARIZONA_AUDIT" OR "TNAuditChat" OR "MTElectionIntegrity" OR "gaauditwatch" OR "SDAuditChat" OR "ncauditnews" OR "electionintegrityinwashpa" OR "ElectionEvidenceChat" OR "MNAuditNews" OR "NHAuditChat" OR "NewYorkAuditForce" OR "auditoh" OR "SouthDakotaElectionIntegrity" OR "auditak" OR "ORAuditNews" OR "MEAuditChat" OR "audittexas" OR "NewJerseyAuditForce")
Channel Username Channel Title Associated State Approximate Message Count Since Start of 2023 Subscriber Count
AmericaFirstAudits America First x 478,229 x
UTAuditChat Utah First Audit Chat Utah 188,904 x
AuditWI Wisconsin Election Integrity Wisconsin 89,927 2,107
ElectionEvidenceChat ElectionEvidence.com/UnmaskingTruth.org Chat Room x 61,285 x
auditva Virginia Patriots Unite *** Virginia 49,284 124
MNAuditChat Minnesota First Audit Chat Minnesota 42,746 923
VirginiaAudit Virginia Audit Chat Virginia 35,992 x
AudittheVoteKansasChat Audit the Vote – Kansas Chat Kansas 25,153 127
ElectionIntegrityIdaho Election Integrity Idaho Idaho 17,968 x
AuditTheVoteKansas Audit the Vote – Kansas Kansas 17,529 93
AuditKentucky Audit Kentucky Kentucky 14,669 264
MEAuditChat Maine Audit Chat Maine 13,684 x
TNAuditChat Tennessee Audit Chat Tennessee 12,749 x
WYFAuditChat Wyoming Audit Chat Wyoming 12,456 x
RIAuditChat Rhode Island Audit Chat Rhode Island 12,161 403
NewMexicoAuditForce New Mexico Audit Force New Mexico 11,807 1260
electionevidence ElectionEvidence 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲 x 10,111 x
ElectionHQ2024 Captain Keshel’s 2024 Election HQ x 10,087 x
AmericasAuditForce America’s Audit Force x 8,830 1380
WYaudit307 WYOMING Audit 307 Wyoming 7,832 x
GAelectionaudit Georgia Election Audit Updates Georgia 7,055 x
thepeoplesaudit The People’s Audit x 5,681 1981
TXAuditNews Texas First Channel Texas 5,467 x
oklahomaamericasauditchat Oklahoma America’s Audit Chat Oklahoma 5,388 x
SDAuditChat South Dakota Chat South Dakota 5,224 x
ArizonaAuditLiveFeeds Arizona Must Decertify Arizona 5,046 x
NHAuditChat New Hampshire Audit Chat New Hampshire 5,004 x
ElectionFraud20_org ElectionFraud20.org x 3,737 x
AuditWINews Wisconsin Election integrity Channel Wisconsin 3,678 x
auditthevotepa Audit the Vote PA Pennsylvania 2,709 x
TransparentElectionsNC_org Transparent Elections NC chat North Carolina 2,045 x
presidentialelection2020 Road to The White House 2024 x 2,035 x
VermontAuditChat Vermont Audit Chat Vermont 2,026 x
VAAuditNews Virginia Audit Channel Virginia 1,813 x
ArizonaAuditForce Arizona Audit Force Arizona 1,781 x
NewYorkAuditForce New York Audit Force New York 1,521 x
PAAuditWatch Pennsylvania MAGA (Former Audit Watch) Pennsylvania 1,306 x
gaelectionauditchat Georgia Election Audit Updates Georgia 1300 1878
CAAuditWatch California MAGA (Former Audit Watch) California 1,200 x
TXAuditWatch Texas MAGA (Former Audit Watch Channel) Texas 1,144 x
UTAuditWatch Utah MAGA (Former Audit Watch Channel) Utah 1,137 x
NVAuditWatch Nevada MAGA (Former Audit Watch Channel) Nevada 1,128 x
ORAuditWatch Oregon Audit Watch Channel Oregon 1,090 x
WisconsinAudit Wisconsin Audit Wisconsin 951 x
MichiganAudit Michigan Audit Michigan 927 x
PennsylvaniaAudit Pennsylvania Audit Pennsylvania 792 x
ElectionEducation Election Education x 742 x
ElectionIntegrityMAChan Election Integrity MA Maine 731 x
NewJerseyAuditForce New Jersey Audit Force New Jersey 716 x
OHAudit Ohio Audit Chat Lobby Ohio 606 x
AuditNevada Audit Nevada Nevada 601 x
auditoregonchat Audit Oregon Discussion Oregon 595 x
NewHampshireAudit New Hampshire Audit New Hampshire 574 x
WestVirginiaAuditForce West Virginia Audit Force West Virginia 485 x
SouthDakotaElectionIntegrity South Dakota Election Integrity Chat South Dakota 480 x
ArizonaAudit Arizona Audit Arizona 465 x
illinoisfirstaudit Illinois Auditing Elections Illinois 456 x
utahelectionintegrity Utah Election Integrity Utah 327 x
RIFairElectionsandEducation Rhode Island Fair Elections & Education Rhode Island 294 x
auditoregon Audit Oregon Oregon 289 x
AuditMI MI Audit Chat lobby Michigan 248 x
ElectionEvidence2024 Election Evidence x 244 x
MNAuditNews Minnesota Audit Channel Minnesota 222 x
VermontAudit Vermont Audit Vermont 218 x
ORAuditNews Oregon Audit Channel Oregon 209 x
AuditNJ Audit the Vote NJ New Jersey 156 x
MTElectionIntegrity Montana Election Integrity Montana 143 x
TNAuditNews Tennessee Audit Channel Tennessee 113 x
TransparentElections_NC Transparent Elections NC – Lynn Bernstein North Carolina 110 x
audittexas Audit Texas 2020 election Texas 103 x
MO_Grassroots_Audit MO Grassroots Audit Montana 95 x
MontanaAuditForce Montana Audit Force Montana 91 x
WVAuditNews West Virginia First Audit Channel West Virginia 78 x
MassachusettsElectionIntegrity Massachusetts Election Integrity Group Massachusetts 76 x
RIAuditNews Rhode Island First Audit Channel Rhode Island 69 x
tennesseeaudit Tennessee Audit Watch Tennessee 48 x
illinois_election_integrity Illinois Election Integrity Illinois 27 x
AZAuditWatch Arizona Audit Watch Group Arizona 25 x
ILAuditNews Illinois Audit Channel Illinois 20 x
AuditNY Suzanne New York 14 x
AuditTheVoteVirginia Audit the Vote Virginia Virginia 12 x
maineelectionauditaction Maine Election Audit Action Maine 8 x
wiauditwatch x Wisconsin x x
americasaudit x x x x
auditva1 x Virginia x x
auditthevotene x x x x
wvauditchat x West Virginia x x
waauditchat x Washington x x
electionwiz x x x x
nyauditchats x New York x x
auditalabama x Alabama x x
inauditchat x Indiana x x
missouriauditforce x Missouri x x
laauditnews x Louisiana x x
deauditchat x x x x
americanaudits x x x x
georgiaaudit x Georgia x x
arauditnews x x x x
auditwatch x x x x
outagamiecountyforensicaudit x x x x
miauditchat x Michigan x x
newenglandelectionsecurity x x x x
electionintegrityma x Massachusetts x x
auditwa x Washington x x
okauditnews x Oklahoma x x
gaauditwatch x Georgia x x
ncauditnews x North Carolina x x
electionintegrityinwashpa x Pennsylvania x x
auditoh x Ohio x x
auditak x x x x
  1. Chidi, G. (2024, April 18). Exclusive: Georgia lawmaker runs secret election-conspiracy telegram channel. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/18/fulton-county-telegram-election-conspiracy-bridget-thorne. ↩︎
  2. Parks, M., Mollenkamp, A., & McMillan, N. (2022, June 30). Election deniers have taken their fraud theories on tour – to nearly every State. NPR. https://www.npr.org/2022/06/30/1107868327/trump-election-fraud-jan-6. ↩︎
  3. Herman, A. (2024, April 27). How one Wisconsin man plagued election offices and stoked mistrust. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/27/peter-bernegger-wisconsin-election-denier ↩︎